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PA Health Magazine-Spring 2021

‘I had his kidney. I would be his match’

When Chris Joseph of Tunkhannock notices cloudiness in his vision and gets news that he may need a kidney transplant, a friend steps in without hesitation.


Your Guide to Health & Well-Being

Welcome to the online spring edition of PA Health magazine, where you’ll find all the great content from our print edition.

Like remarkable stories about our neighbors’ triumphs over health challenges. And ways to make the most of our region’s natural areas and recreation spots. Plus, delicious, healthy recipes.

You’ll also find bonus content, like more tasty treats to make, inspiring videos about local people who are thriving after facing health issues — and quick links to in-depth information about the conditions they’ve overcome. Because when we share resources, we make good health more accessible for everyone.

Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine students clean up a neighborhood, pre-COVID.

Learning to care for their neighbors

Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine’s goal is to bring more physicians and better healthcare resources to our area. That goal drives these members of the class of 2024.

Healthier environment, healthier you.

Healthier Environment, Healthier You

Our state and local parks offer a lot — from a place where we can enjoy nature alone to a place where we can take the kids. Here’s how you can give back.

A hummingbird feeds off a local Pennsylvania perennial.

Perks of Pennsylvania perennials

Learn why filling your garden with plants native to Pennsylvania is good for not only your garden, but also for the health of our state’s biodiversity.

Drake, a certified therapy dog, visiting with patients through Geisinger’s volunteer program.

Friendly therapy on four furry feet

Certified therapy dog Drake has been visiting Geisinger hospitals since he was 2 years old. Now, he can’t wait to get back to the joy of helping people feel better.

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